Tag: Thin slices of beef

  • Rolatine (Bianca’s Stuffed Beef Rolls)

    Rolatine (Bianca’s Stuffed Beef Rolls)

        Why you should never volunteer for a school camp Normally, I would start a recipe post with a photo of the “dish of the day”, in this case “rolatine” that I am about to rave on about, but today, I’m starting with a photo taken of a beach just before the rain started.…

  • Breaded Beef Fillets

    Breaded Beef Fillets

        The ultimate comfort meal Talk about a comfort meal! Well at least for me…….when I was growing up  breaded beef fillets were my second favourite thing to eat for dinner (pizza was always number 1), which is just as well as it was served up for dinner every Wednesday night at the boarding school…

  • Bistecche alla Pizzaiola (Beef Filets with Tomato Sauce)

    Bistecche alla Pizzaiola (Beef Filets with Tomato Sauce)

          A delicious meal in a hurry that the whole family loves Bistecche alla Pizzaiola are a great do in a hurry meal that almost everybody in the family will like (of course, unless they’re vegetarian, hate beef, or hate tomato, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time). I…