Tag: speck

  • Risotto With Pumpkin And Bacon

    Risotto With Pumpkin And Bacon

        The story of the ravening monster and the pumpkin This week, I’m starting with a very sad story of emerging life, and sudden loss.  I had a pumpkin plant sprouting in my vegetable garden. Every day it unfurled its leaves and grew bigger and longer. Unfortunately, also the weeds around it basked in…

  • Fusilli With Radicchio, Speck And Gorgonzola

    Fusilli With Radicchio, Speck And Gorgonzola

        I was first introduced to radicchio when I was living in California.  I have an Italian friend who comes from the mountainous area in the North-East of Italy where radicchio is grown and used extensively.  At the time she was living in a to-die-for apartment on the way up to Coit Tower in…

  • Pasta With Speck And Zucchini

    Pasta With Speck And Zucchini

    Finding recipes in Mantova A few years ago, we drove over to Mantova to catch up with some friends of ours from there. Mantova is a beautiful city surrounded by a lake in the North-East of Italy.  The buildings and art are amazing, and the food is awesomely good!  Just one bite of their pumpkin…