Tag: For the Sauce

  • Spaetzle with cream, peas, and bacon

    Spaetzle with cream, peas, and bacon

        Spaetzle, mountains, and intriguing areas of Italy The kids are back at school.  All is quiet on the Cote d’Azur as the tourists have flown back to the far corners of Europe from whence they came.  We can start thinking about Autumn and writing blog posts (oh, that last bit is about me,…

  • Pad Thai with Shrimp and Tofu

    Pad Thai with Shrimp and Tofu

        Now for something completely different Here’s a recipe for Pad Thai: not Italian at all, but made with noodles, so I guess it vaguely enters into the category of distant cousin to Italian cuisine. Pad Thai is an all-in-one dish from Thailand and Laos. Noodles are eaten at many festive occasions in Asia…