Category: Tarts

  • Strawberry Tart with Italian Crema

    Strawberry Tart with Italian Crema

        A hankering for strawberry tart Strawberries are everywhere right now, except in my garden.  At the moment I have lots of plants, some of which have flowers, but nary a strawberry in sight.  I’m hoping that they’re just being coy and will start popping out strawberries galore at any time now. As soon…

  • Italian Jam Tart (Crostata di Marmellata)

    Italian Jam Tart (Crostata di Marmellata)

        What makes Italian jam tart so special Italian jam tart is another recipe that I learnt (or “learned” if you’re American….when I was studying in the States, the professors ALWAYS told me I had a spelling error for that one!) from an Italian friend who is an incredible cook.  Pasta frolla (if anyone…